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Supporting A Legend

10 years ago written by

Legendary entertainer and activist Dick Gregory made history in the 1960s as the first black comedian to appear on national television, preceding great comedians like Richard Pryor, Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle. Soon he joined the Civil Rights Movement, working closely with Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcom X and countless others. Today, at 83-years-old, he continues to fight injustice in America, amazingly while still doing stand-up. Director Andre Gaines is filming Dick Gregory's incredible journey. Join him on this mission to think differently, question everything, and get mad!

11218887_1472516416376193_1472954689810801387_nWhy is this film so important?

So many documentaries seem to present facts and problems, but few ever dive into what works. If an attempt at finding solutions to the issues of our generation is not made, we might one day live in an unrecognizable country. Some would say we already do! The importance of having Dick Gregory involved is the fact that he, like so many of our elders, has a level of wisdom that only comes through years of experience. To say that he has seen it all is an understatement. Even among our elders, both famous and not famous, Dick Gregory's personal experiences are wholly unique.

Risks and challenges

One of their biggest challenges is gaining access to classified information about the stories that dominate the news. This information is not readily available to the general public and it will require some special research and investigation to uncover the truth, which is the minimal requirement if we are going to do justice to this film. Dick Gregory has an enormous wealth of knowledge on so many our topics and experience on how to 11750606_1472516476376187_7895645973892139201_nproperly researching them. With the strength of our team, we are confident that we can dig deep and an amazing film for YOU! Our fundraising goal is $200,000, and although this goal may be ambitious, we are confident that with YOUR we can reach it — and beyond! The more you pledge, the better film we can , and a better film means more recognition.

You do not have to stage a protest to — you just have to act. Many of you do not know where to start. Contributing to this film is a form of activism. When you this project, you are saying that “I Dick Gregory and his mission,” and “I want to make the world a better place.” It may seem lofty, but film is a powerful medium. Most of us know the “what” about the issues, but very few of us know the “why.” They will not solve every problem, but with your , this film can be a positive influence to move the conversation forward. To find out how to contribute click here.


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