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African Entrepreneurs Tapping Into The Chocolate Market

11 years ago written by

Although developed and fast developing countries such as Europe, Asia and North America consume over 90 percent of the chocolate produced every year, chocolate largely exists because of . This is because up to 70 percent of cocoa, the major ingredient for making chocolate, is grown and harvested in ! Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon are the continent's largest producers but there is still unexploited potential in other parts of West and Central African countries that are well suited for cocoa production.




The cocoa plant is not native to and was introduced to the African continent over 100 years ago from South America, now dominates the global supply of cocoa. Fortunately, a significant portion of the African continent lies within the narrow belt around the earth's equator that is best suited for cocoa cultivation. In addition to 's suitable location, the evergreen forest and climatic conditions such as rainfall and favourable temperatures makes West and Central Africa a sweet spot for cocoa production.




Isaac Gyamfi, director Solidaridad West Africa, tells how cocoa can move out of poverty once the sector makes the next step in supporting sustainable production beyond training and certification.




For more information click here


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